Mt. Olivet Elementary
Grading Scale
Academic Progress Assessment Code
Grading Scale K-2:
E - Excellent
S - Satisfactory
N - Needs Improvement
U - Unsatisfactory
Assessment Code for Citizenship and Work/Study Habits for K-5:
S - Satisfactory Progress
N - Needs Improvement
Grading Scale Grades 3-12:
A+ |
100-97 |
A |
96-93 |
A- |
92-90 |
B+ |
89-87 |
B |
86-83 |
B- |
82-80 |
C+ |
79-77 |
C |
76-73 |
C- |
72-70 |
D+ |
69-68 |
D |
67-66 |
D- |
65-60 |
F |
59-0 |
Promotion and Retention
The decision to promote or retain a student is based on the student’s academic achievement with consideration given to social and emotional maturity, age, and attendance pattern. It is the expectation that all students pass the core classes of English, math, social studies and science. The final determination of grade placement is made by the principal on an individual basis and in accordance with board policy.